Teh Fucking Ladders

So I'm sitting here watching Olbermann on MSNBC.
And this commercial comes on.
A man is playing tennis.
OK so there is a guy planning tennis.
Then a bunch of other people run on the court and try to play on his side and completely fuck him over.
He can't get to the serve or return anything because all these people who don't belong on the court are screwing his game up.
And then comes the tag.
See what happens when you let EVERYONE play.
The ladders the only job search for those making over $100,000 a year.
Now I don't mind corporate job searches looking for people of comparable experience, background or education but to tell me I shouldn't be on the court and those on the court are better than me because they have reached the magic ceiling of 100K?
Sure I'm worthless because I'm not making 6 figures. Thanks

So I went to the web site and they had a special message for people making under 100K

and here it is

"We list ONLY $100k+ positions. If you're not in the market for such senior-level positions, your time is best invested elsewhere. For jobs under $100k, Monster.com and HotJobs are good resources. Why not try Monster.com and HotJobs?"

Phuck Them
Those people making 100k had to come from somewhere and if I ever get there I wont look down on those trying to climb up that fucking ladder


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