
Showing posts from June, 2008

I really don't want to be. Honest. No, really!

How Evil Are You? [ENTER AT OWN RISK - Bob] Devbook Quizzes! !

So we're all playing this game, are we?

Click here to take the test. (Warning: It's an irritating test. For each question, you have to pick between two polar opposites, with no middle ground. Fortunately, they ask the same questions in a lot of different ways, so I suppose it evens out a bit.)


Bob needs input.

Answering Bob


This Is Me

Do you agree? Take the test HERE!!!

See What I Have To Put Up With?

Exhibit 1: The Girl came home from her second day at work and told us a story. There was a girl that worked with her, we'll call her Quartz. The Girl was warned that Quartz had a really bad attitude on the first day. Second day, The Girl goes to work and Quartz has been called in, an hour and a half late for her shift. Quartz wasn't feeling well. She was pissed that she had been called in to work and so she decided that she wasn't going to work. She left The Girl and one other worker alone on the line for dinner rush. This did not work. The line backed up, people were waiting for 30-45 minutes for their sandwiches and they were getting pissed. So, The Girl--having never heard the axiom "Discretion is the better part of valor."--stuck her head in the back and told Quartz that they needed help and asked her if she planned on working at all that night. Quartz pitched a fit, cussed The Girl out and then called the manager to whine about how The Girl had cuss

Kids Say The Funniest Things

The Boy is supposed to be cleaning his room this morning. He begins speaking to me about negotiating this deal. "Mom, can I do half now and half when I get back [from his friend's house]..." "No." "MOM! I was talking and you just said 'No' and I was just saying that I could do half now and half later. It's not bad, I just have to put my clothes away..." "Don't forget the clean clothes you let fall behind your toybox." "MOM! You did it again! That's why I want to do half now and half later! If I have to do all of it now, it will make it hard to be lazy!!" /Mom laughs until she chokes/


Your results: You are Catwoman Catwoman 91% Apocalypse 91% Dr. Doom 83% Magneto 80% Poison Ivy 78% Mystique 72% Lex Luthor 68% Green Goblin 64% Dark Phoenix 60% Mr. Freeze 57% Juggernaut 56% The Joker 48% Kingpin 46% Two-Face 44% Venom 42% Riddler 28% With a troubled past and an upbringing on the streets you have learned how to fend for yourself through crime. Click here to take the "Which Super Villain are you?" quiz...

I am Prince Herbert

Your result for The Monty Python Character Test... Prince Herbert You scored 70 Stubborn, 39 Crazy, 23 Agressive, and 47 Evil! Apperance: The Holy Grail. The lad trying to climb out of the window. High Light: The rescue of Prince Herbert Scene: The drawbridge of Swamp Castle. Two guards standing here looking very bored. Off in the distance, they see Launcelot running towards them waving his sword in the air. They look at each other, then back at Launcelot. They seem confused. He does not get any closer, though he he keeps running. The guards look at each other again. One taps his forehead. They lean on their pikes and idly watch Sir Launcelot still running towards them and getting nowhere. They look at each other. Suddenly Launcelot appears right next to them and runs them both through. They die, considerably surprised. Launcelot runs through the castle, slicing, dicing, grating, mincing, and otherwise generally killing the entire populace. He fights his way up

We Have No Ben

No secret caves, no moving the island. No rabbits occupying the same part od space/time It's still right here. OK maybe I'll find myself in the Sahara with a parka on some day but today is not that day. You know what Ben said? "We all have to go back to the island" So I'm here where are you?

I Cant Think of a Better Way to End this Weekend

Than watching Return of the Pink Panther on BBC America "There is only one man who would pull the wrong tooth! Kill Him!" Love to you all my innertubes family