"Hey, Let's Have A Meetup!"

Two months ago today, I attended a meeting. It was a very good meeting, one where I met two very cool people - pidomon and Jennifer.

I would even go so far as to say that the meeting was life-changing. I no longer see myself limited to the Secret Lair (aka '73 Winnebago), in part because, as I say, I met two wonderful people whom I know will be a part of my life for, well, hopefully forever.

I'm really glad I've met you both, if for different reasons. ;)

Next on the agenda, meets with Christina, PortlyDyke, and others (konagod springs to mind).

As Jean-Luc Picard would say, ... "Make it so!"


Anonymous said…
Well, c'mon then.
Steve said…
Wow it has been 2 months?
Seems like yesterday
PortlyDyke said…
I'm game once my project is done (june 21)
Jennifer said…
Heh. Life-changing indeed.


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