We'll call this one "Kids are really freaking stupid." I would like suggestions as to an alternate name for The Boy in light of yesterday's events. I like the way that DCup changes the name of her youngest Spawn depending on behavior--from Cupcake to Resident Evil. I want something along those lines. The Boy plays all the time, every chance he gets, with the boy down the street. His name is Cesar and I've mentioned him before. Cesar lives exactly three doors down from us on our side of the street. So, we don't really worry about The Boy heading on down there on his own. As a matter of fact, The Boy has very definite limits to his ability to roam. He's allowed exactly from one speed bump just the south of our house to the speed bump just north of our house. That's the extent of his free area all of which is easily within eye shot of our front porch. See below: Yesterday, The Boy went out at about 3:30 or so to go play with Cesar. At 4:00, Ces
The Boy refuses to get ready in the morning. All he has to do is brush his hair and teeth, eat a bowl of cereal and get dressed. I wake him at 6:30AM to do these things. I need to leave at 7:30AM to be on time for work. Well, he's made me late every.single.day. I haven't been able to get to work before 8:10AM in I don't know how long. Sometimes, I've been as late as 9AM. Yesterday, I broke. I'd had it. I had been yelling and fussing at the child all morning until my throat was hoarse and I didn't get to work until 8:30AM. That was the limit, y'all. The Limit. I went home last night and told him that we would be leaving from now on at 7:30AM and he would go to school in whatever state he happened to be in--pajamas, half-dressed, I didn't care. He didn't think I was serious. This morning, I got him up at 6:30AM, as usual. I reminded him of the new rule. Then, I got ready. I did not holler, fuss or fight with the child. At 7:30AM, I put
The Boy has a behavior chart that we see on a daily basis and must sign and turn back in. The teacher uses a color code to tell us how he's been that day. Green means he's had a good day. Yellow means he's gotten several warnings that day and the teacher finally had enough and told him to turn his card. For this, he gets 6 minutes in the corner when he gets home. (Six years old, six minutes.) Blue means he's been rambunctious and didn't learn the first card-turn and now loses his recess time at school, and is grounded to his room when he gets home for the evening. No toys. Red means that he's been a total hellion and hasn't listened, hasn't done his work and loses recess time, goes to the principal's office and will be grounded to his room without toys until he brings us home 5 green days--preferably in a row and, depending on what he did, possibly a spanking. We don't like to spank, but when nothing else will work, we do. Well, so far this
Which I thought was pretty cool