Michele Has Moved On

We met with the head Doctor at 5 tonight and agreed on a course of action.

The dialysis would be turned off, the blood transfusions would stop, and all of the medicine would be cranked down except for those that helped with any pain.

My sister died tonight at 7:25ish P.M. Thursday April 2nd 2009.

Go in Peace Michele and thank you for making me a better person for knowing you.


Jennifer said…
I'm glad you got there in time to say goodbye and be involved.

Like Jo and Carol said the other day, don't worry about doing the "right" thing. Just do the Steve thing; that's what's right.
Anonymous said…
Peace and love be with you and all the family at this time.

Keith and I are thinking of you and sending much love your way.
Brave Sir Robin said…

My heart breaks for you and your family.

I don't pray, but you are in my thoughts, deeply, and as sure as if you were my own family.

Be strong my friend.

Celebrate all that Michele means. Remember all the reasons you love her. Remember all the reasons she loves you.

Take care of you and your family.

PortlyDyke said…
I'm sending you all my biggest TWHs and to all your family, support and prayers, if they want them.

You are loved, and you are loving. You have carried her memory into my consciousness.

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