Time To Get In The Season

We've been elfed!

Dear Ceiling Cat, what will they come up with next?!?!


Steve said…
Man I look great in Elf shoes
Thaks Phy I needed a good belly laugh tonight
That is fracking hysterical
Jennifer said…
Looking forward to seeing it, but it doesn't play nicely with this computer's version of Flash... :(
splord said…
Crap! I was a feared of that, but tried anyway....
Jennifer said…
If only we knew someone with a laptop...
Steve said…
What this is now my fault LOL?

My eyes are bleeding, my nose is running, and I can't stop clicking "Play Again"
PortlyDyke said…
OK -- so NOW I know what you three are doing in your spare time -- creating blogs and cavorting in the snow!

I turn my back for one minute . . . . . :lol:

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